Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Weekly Blog Post

The first picture is one of my dog, Wilson, while we were up camping last weekend.  I was taking some photos of him playing in the water and found this one when looking at it.  It was really bright out so I have to raise the ISO a little bit so that the picture would turn out.  The second picture was camping as well when my brother an sister were riding dirt bikes.  Since they were moving I had to lower the shutter speed so that it would freeze the water droplets and not make them blurry.  The third picture was one that I took with my Samsung while canoeing last week.  This picture turned out really cool with the water reflection.  The fourth picture was one I took out where I keep my horses.  Getting on the ground to get a different perspective made this picture more interesting than if I would have just took the picture while standing up.

Photos with Different Extremes

The first picture is one where I made the background lighter by having the ISO at 125, the aperture was at f/9.  This made the picture lighter even though it was starting to get dark out.  The second picture is of the same flowers but with an ISO of 500 and still an aperture of f/9 to make the picture look really dark.  Looking at these two side by side you can really tell the difference.  The third and fourth pictures are messing with the Aperture.  For the third picture, I made the aperture f/3.8 and the ISO 125 so it was really low, making the center flower in the plant clear and the background blurry.  For the same plant I used an aperture of f/10 and the ISO 125, making the whole plant much more clear instead of just one thing clear.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Weekly Blog Post

This week I decided to blog about some pictures that I have taken the past couple weeks.  The first picture is of Daisy Peak where I went camping this weekend.  This was taken with just my phone and turned out better than I thought!  The second picture was one I took of someone welding.  This was done with my mom's Nikon camera.  The third picture was taken while I was hunting in Springcreek last weekend.  It was super foggy which made the picture look different then usual but still interesting!  The fourth picture was one I took with my mom's Nikon camera as well of a flower that is at my grandmas.  Blurring out the background made the flower pop out a ton.  All four of these pictures turned out pretty cool!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Weekly Blog Post

These are some of my past photos that I have taken.  The first photo was taken with my phone of one of my horses, Sundance.  It was a cloudy, muggy day which actually added a lot to the picture!  The second photo is one that I took out in Cooke City when I was out there last summer.  I was looking through the trees to try and see the mountain which got me thinking that it would actually make a interesting picture and it did not take any editing.  The third image is one that I took with my Nikon at the beginning of the semester.  This photo I spent a little more time with in adobe photoshop.  The fourth photo is one that I took down by the Yellowstone River last year.  The sky colors were perfect and didn't take any touching up, the only thing that was done was darkening the trees and bushes to bring out the colors of the water and sky more.  These four photos are some of my favorite ones that I have taken so far that I did not think would turn out this cool but it worked!


My name is Kaity Kirby!  I am a Senior at Rocky Mountain College.  I just applied to Pharmacy school and am planning on attending in the Fall of 2020 for four years.  I was born and raised in Billings, MT and have lived here my whole life.  When I am not at school I am usually working.  I currently work at Interstate All Battery Center, where I have worked for the past five years, and also at Walgreens Pharmacy, where I have worked for the past three years as a Pharmacy Technician.  When I am not at school or work, I spend my spare time doing things like hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, and spending time working with my horses.  I have a little brother and sister as well as an older sister, who actually took this photography class a couple years ago.  I am looking forward to this class and seeing what I can do!